Love Game: Season 2

Love Game-Season 2-Episode 1

*It's been about two weeks since Miley's Death. Tomorrow is her funeral. I'm kinda scared to go. Her family must know what happened and if they see me there, all hell might break loose. Maybe I'll go, but I'll keep a distance. I wouldn't wanna start anymore drama.* *Piper got out of the hospital yesterday. Finally! It seemed they were gonna keep her there forever. She's still a little soar, but she's doing better. So I've been told. I haven't got to see her yet. I hear she's really excited to see my baby for the first time. Speaking of my baby, he's doing really well. Baby Daviid has brought my future husband and I closer together. He's also caused my parents to come over every single day. I love seeing my parents, but they're smothering me to death. Daviid and I need our privatesy.*

-At Our House-

DAVIID:  Are your parents gonna come over tomorrow?

DIVINITY:  They do everyday. I'm gonna have to talk to them about that.

DAVIID:  They just love seeing their new grandson. I know if I were them, I'd love seeing him too.

DIVINITY:  Yeah, I guess you're right.

DAVIID:  Aren't I always?

-He chuckled. I playfully hit his arm-

DIVINITY:  Shut up. You are so not always right!

DAVIID:  So are you gonna go tomorrow?

DIVINITY:  I want to, but her family must know what happened. I don't want any problems with them too.

DAVIID:  Then you should stay home.

DIVINITY:  But I feel like I need to go. I mean, it's kinda my fault she died.

DAVIID:  Babe, you tried to help her up but she slipped out of your hands. It's not your fault. Besides, she shouldn't have been trying to hurt our son.

DIVINITY:  I guess you're right.

DAVIID:  Again, I'm always right.

-He started laughing. I playfully hit him again-

DIVINITY:  You're such a jerk!

-We both laughed-

DAVIID:  So what do you wanna do?

DIVINITY:  I'll think of something.

-I yawned-

DAVIID:  C'mon, let's get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.

-I laid down under the covers. Daviid got up and walked over to the baby's crib to check on him. He kissed his forehead, then turned off the light and came and laid down next to me. We laid there in silence for about 10 minutes. I finally began to fall asleep. Well, that was until he turned on the lamp on his side-table.-

DAVIID:  Babe, I can't go to sleep.


DAVIID:  Because you never gave me a goodnight kiss...

-He smiled that beautiful smile. I chuckled. I sat up and kissed his lips softly.-

DIVINITY:  Better?

DAVIID:  Much.

-We laid back down. He turned off the light and we fell asleep-


*With Debby*


-She's on the phone with Cody-

DEBBY:  Is she going to the funeral tomorrow?

CODY:  She should be. Daviid's going for sure.

DEBBY:  Well make sure she goes too! I promise, that girl's gonna get what she deserves. She is not gonna get away with what she did to Miley!

CODY:  Okay, she'll be there. I'll make sure of that.

DEBBY:  She better be. Or I'm gonna have to add your name to my list.

-She hung up the phone-


End of episode one. I will post episode 2 in a few days. Thanks again for reading!

Love Game-Season 2-Episode 2


-The Next Day-

*I was totally nervous. We were on our way to the funeral. My hands was shaking uncontrobably. Daviid was getting worried about me.*

DAVIID:  Babe, there's still time to turn around. You don't have to go.

DIVINITY:  Yes I do Daviid. I don't know why, but I feel like I have too.

DAVIID:  So let me get this straight. You're going to the funeral, but you're gonna watch from a distance so you don't have any trouble with her family?

DIVINITY:  That's the plan.

DAVIID:  Babe, I'm not to sure that's a good idea.

DIVINITY:  Why not?

DAVIID:  If you wanna go, you should just go. You shouldn't have to hide. You're paying your respect, not starting trouble.

DIVINITY:  But they think I killed her. If I show up in public, they won't be happy about it. It would just be easier to keep a distance.

DAVIID:  Okay babe. Whatever you say.

DIVINITY:  Could you stop with the attitude...

DAVIID:  What attitude?

DIVINITY:  "Whatever you say" Just let me do this okay. It's the least I could do. I'm already nervous enough, I don't need your attitude too.

-He stayed quiet. I started to feel the guilt. He's only looking out for me. He only wants the best. And I was rude to him-

DIVINITY:  Daviid...I'm sorry. I know you're only looking out for me.

DAVIID:  Don't be sorry. I should let you make your own decisions and I should respect them. I'm sorry.

-I grabbed his hand and slipped my fingers through his. He picked up my hand a kissed it softly-

DAVIID:  You know that was our first fight since you thought me and Miley know....

DIVINITY:  Oh yeah.

DAVIID:  Let's try not to fight. I hate it when we fight. I can't stand the feeling of thinking you're mad at me. It hurts.

DIVINITY:  Okay babe. No more fights.

DAVIID:  Thanks.


*We showed up at the funeral. He dropped me off at a distance so nobody would see me. I walked around servral tomb stones until I could see Miley's funeral. I pulled my black vail over my face. Just incase. The priest gave a small speech. Then some girl got up and walked away. She started walking towards me. I didn't know what to do. If I ran away, it would be to obvious it was me. And if I stayed, there might be a chance that I'd be laying in a coffin next to Miley. She was already more than halfway. That's when Daviid noticed. He picked up the baby and walked towards me. Soon, she was right in front of me.*

DEBBY:  Hey...

DIVINITY:  Hi. My condolences.

DEBBY:  Thanks. Umm, are you Divinity?

DIVINITY:  Umm...w-who's asking?

-I started to panic. Daviid started to speed walk-

DEBBY:  I know it's you Divinity. I'm Debby, Miley's cousin. Or, was Miley's cousin.

DIVINITY:  Oh...umm....hi...

DEBBY:  You think you got away with it don't you?


DEBBY:  Let me just assure didn't. Not while I'm around. Because of you, I have to burry my closest cousin. You are not gonna get away with this.

DIVINITY:  It was an accident...

DEBBY:  That's bull...

DIVINITY:  Okay look, you weren't even there, so you will never know what happened. I know what happened, and I keep telling everyone the truth. You could either believe it or not. I really don't care. So do me a favor and get out of my face. I don't need to explain anything to you.

-Daviid finally made it-

DAVIID:  C'mon babe, let's go. You've paid your respect.

DIVINITY:  I'll be there in a minute. Get the baby in the car.

-He walked away-

DEBBY:  You're lucky we're at my cousin's funeral right now. If we weren't...

DIVINITY:  You would what? Kill me?

DEBBY:  Don't tempt me...

DIVINITY:  Look around. Look at where you're standing. I think I've made it very clear not to mess with me.

DEBBY:  Is that a threat?

DIVINITY:  Don't tempt me...

-I lifted my black vail and looked at her hard-

DIVINITY:  Be careful. You might end up like Miley.

-I walked back to the car. She stood in the same place staring at me. We drove away. She looked at the licence plate number and wrote it down on her hand. She whispered to herself-

DEBBY:  I'll be seeing you soon...You wait....

End of episode 2. Please comment on my update blogs. Thanks again!

Love Game-Season 2-Episode 3

*I couldn't believe what just happened. I couldn't believe what I just said to her. I wish I could take it all back. She was just upset about her cousin. The real me would've never said that to her or anybody in a million years. I guess it was just the heat of the moment. I feel terrible for telling her that at her own cousin's funeral.*

-Still In The Car With Daviid-

DAVIID:  What went down back there?

DIVINITY:  She knew it was me.

DAVIID:  Who knew it was you?

DIVINITY:  It was Miley's cousin Debby. She came up to me and said that I wasn't gonna get away with what I did to Miley.

DAVIID:  Then what did you say?

DIVINITY:  Well, first she started to say "I f we weren't at Miley's funeral right now, I'd" then I cut her off and said "You'd what? Kill me?" then she said "Don't tempt me" and anywho, I ended up telling her that she'd better be careful or she'd end up like Miley. I shouldn't've said that. I feel terrible.

DAVIID:  Don't feel sorry babe. She went up to you and threatened you first.

DIVINITY:  Yeah, but-

-He cut me off-

DAVIID:  No but's. Look at me. Everythings gonna be fine. I won't let her get to you.

-We pulled up to a red light. He leaned over and kissed me softly-


-That Night-

*I am so excited! Piper called and asked if she could come over and see the baby! I haven't seen my best friend in like two whole weeks! It feels like it's been forever!* *I heard the doorbell ring. I jumped out of my seat and ran to answer the door*



-We attacked each other with a huge hug. Landon walked in behind her and went to greet Daviid. We held on to each other for about a whole five minutes.-

DIVINITY:  I have missed you so much!

-A tear ran down my face-

PIPER:  I've missed you too!

DIVINITY:  So, you ready to meet baby Daviid?

PIPER:  Oh my God, yes!

DIVINITY:  Okay, c'mon here!

-I grabbed her hand and led her to the kitchen. When we walked in, Landon and Daviid were playing with the baby-

LANDON:  He's beautiful bro!

DAVIID:  Thanks.

-The baby laughed in his daddy's arms. Daviid got the biggest smile on his face again. The two most perfect boys in my life were smiling at each other. It was picture perfect!-

DIVINITY:  Piper, this is baby Daviid. Daviid Angel Brooks.

-Her mouth dropped open-

PIPER:  He is the cutest baby I've ever seen! I'm so happy for you!

DIVINITY:  You wanna hold him?

PIPER:  Yeah!

-She held out her hands. Daviid carefully handed the baby to her. The baby smiled widely at her. She laughed as a tear ran down her face-

DIVINITY:  You okay Piper?

PIPER:  I've missed so much haven't I?

-I went up to her and put my arm around her-

DIVINITY:  You're here now...

PIPER:  I guess you're right.

*Ahh! I'm finally right!*

-I turned around and stuck my tongue out at Daviid-

DAVIID:  What?

DIVINITY:  I told you you're not the only one who's right!

-He giggled-

DIVINITY:  So are you guys staying the night?

LANDON:  If it's okay with you guys.

DAVIID:  Of course it is! C'mon, I have some clothes you could wear.

DIVINITY:  And I have some clothes for you Piper. C'mon.

-We led them to the guest room. They settled in while Daviid and I went to go get them some bed clothes. We went back and they were all cuddley and holding onto each others-

DIVINITY:  We interrupting something?

-They pulled away quickly-


LANDON: Sorry!

-Me and Daviid bursted out laughing-

DIVINITY:  Okay okay, here.

-We handed them their clothes-

PIPER:  Thanks.

DIVINITY:  Well, we're gonna go put the baby to sleep.


-About ten minutes later, I was sitting in the rocking chair trying to put the baby to sleep. He finally fell asleep and I laid him down in his crib. Then Daviid bursted through the door-


DIVINITY:  Shhhh...-whispering-...I just got him sleep.

DAVIID:  Oh sorry. But come here. You gotta hear this.

DIVINITY:  Hear what?

-He ran out and I followed him. I ran into the hall and heard the funniest thing ever-

End of episode 3. Please comment on my Update blogs. Thank you!

Love Game-Season 2-Episode 4

*I tried my hardest not to laugh. I softly put my ear closer to the door as Daviid did the same. Landon and Piper were trying to have sex right now. It was so funny because she kept complaining that whatever position they were in hurt her because she was still soar.*

PIPER:  OW! No not that way. Here, try it like this...

LANDON:  How's this?

PIPER: *moans softly* Perfect...

-Landon thrusted back and forth for about 30 seconds-

PIPER:  Ow! Nope, not that one either.

LANDON:  How are we gonna do this?

PIPER:  Hello it's not my fault I got stabbed!

LANDON:  I never said it was. It's just very fustrating. Should we stop?

PIPER:  No way! Get over here!

*They kept going on and on, stoping every few seconds to switch positions or argue. Hearing this was one of the funniest things I've heard in a very long time. And it was funny that my best friends were trying to have sex in my house.*

DAVIID:  C'mon babe. Let's get to bed.


*We walked back into the bedroom. We both went to the baby's crib and kissed him softly goodnight. Then we went and laid in the bed. We cuddled together. I laid my head on his shoulder while he had his arm around me and he rested his head on mine. He kissed my head a few times and ran his hand softly up and down my back. I used the tip of my index finger and softly traced his abs (btw, he is shirtless. He's only wearing boxers). I slowly ran my hand downwards towards his boxers. I slipped my hand in and softly stroked him. I could feel that he was enjoying it. He slowly lifted my shirt to taked it off. I removed my hand from his boxers to let him do so. I felt a cold breeze on my bare chest (I don't wear a bra to bed. I'm not sure who does. All I wear is underware and a shirt). He softly rubbed my chest as I crawled on top of him. I slowly removed his boxers. By now, he was totally turned on, if you know what I mean. Then he slowly removed my underware. I sat back on top of him. I laid foward and softly kissed his warm moist lips. Then he slipped himself inside of me. I moaned softly as our bodies slowly compressed together. After about 30 minutes and after about 3 different positions, we were finally done. He had finally "exploaded" inside me. This time, unlike last time, I didn't go crazy. This time actually felt better. I could feel the wetness travel inside of me. This time, I was actually able to enjoy it. The feeling was like no other. It tickled in a good way. He pulled himself out of me and crawled off the top of me.*

DIVINITY:  Babe, that was great...

DAVIID:  Yeah, it was. The best yet, I think.

DIVINITY:  It definently was.

-He walked into the bathroom to clean himself up. Then a little thought ran through my mind that made me chuckle-


DAVIID:  Yeah?

DIVINITY:  Do you think Landon and Piper ever got to do it or do you think they gave up?

-He chuckled-

DAVID:  They probably gave up.

-I chuckled again-

DIVINITY:  Yeah, I guess you're right.

-There was silence. I looked at him through the open bathroom door and he was just staring at me with a smirk on his face. That's when I realized what I just said-

DIVINITY:  Oh, will you just hurry up!

-He bursted out laughing-

DAVIID:  No need to hate babe.

DIVINITY:  Just get in bed.

-He crawld back in bed and laid close to me. I looked up and he was still staring at me-


DAVIID:  Goodnight kiss?

-I rolled my eyes. I leaned closer and pressed my lips to his-

DAVIID:  Goodnight!

DIVINITY:  Goodnight.


-The Next Day-

*It was time for school again. Well, not for me. For Daviid. I had to go to some parenting school thingy. It's classes where I can bring my baby and learn the regular and more about parenthood. This was gonna be the first time ever going to school without Daviid. I'm gonna miss him so much. This was gonna be my first day of school. I was so nervous. Daviid and I pulled up in front of my new temperary school. I turned and looked at him*

DAVIID:  I'm gonna miss you.

DIVINITY:  I'll see you at 4:30, kay.

DAVIID:  Kay...

-He leaned foward and kissed me. Then he kissed the baby's cheek-

DAVIID:  I'm gonna miss you too little man.

-Baby Daviid giggled and smiled at his dad. I stepped out of the car with the baby and shut the door-

DAVIID:  I'll see you later babe.

DIVINITY:  Love you!

DAVIID:  Love you too!

-He drove away. I turned around and saw a small-ish building. The class was pretty boring. At least I was with my baby though. Then they finally released us. I looked at my watch and it said 12:05. Daviid didn't get out of school until 4:10. And even then it would probably take him like 15-20 minutes to get here. I was stranded. I was about to call my parents, but then I remembered they were out of town. I wanted to call Daviid's parents, but I forgot to put their number in my phone. And Piper and Landon were both in school too. I didn't know what to do.-

End of episode 4. Please comment in my Updates blog. Thanks!

Love Game-Season 2-Episode 5

*I didn't know what to do. I couldn't just sit out here for hours. I had no choise but to ride the bus. And no, it's not a school bus. A city bus. It's not that I have a problem with the city bus, it's just that I didn't wanna get on it with my baby. But unfortunantly, I didn't have a choise. I started walking towards the bus stop. I thought it was close. It wasn't. I had to walk a long way just to get to the bus stop. I was hot and sweaty and tired. And worse, my baby was hot and he was crying. I finally made it to the bus stop bench. I sat down and took a deep breath. Then some car came and stopped right in front of us. The window rolled down*

GUY:  Hey!


GUY:  You need a ride?

DIVINITY:  No, I'm okay. Thanks.

GUYS:  C'mon, look at you. You look dehydrated. And your baby is hot and crying. C'mon, it's the least I could do.

-I thought about it for a few seconds. I looked at my baby and saw the excessive tears running down his face-

DIVINITY:  Okay...

-I stood up. He opened the door and I got in with my baby. Then we took off. The air condition felt so good. I felt so relieved-

GUY:  I'm Taylor...

DIVINITY:  Divinity....

TAYLOR:  And who's this little guy?

DIVINITY:  This is Daviid.

TAYLOR:  He's beautiful.

DIVINITY:  Thanks.

TAYLOR:  Where're you headed?

-I gave him my adress. I wasn't sure if I should have or not, but I just needed to get my baby home-

TAYLOR:  So, you gotta boyfriend?

DIVINITY:  Fiance...

TAYLOR:  Oh...

-He sounded disappointed. Like he wanted to asked me out or something-

TAYLOR:  So, who is he?

DIVINITY:  His name is Daviid.

TAYLOR:  Like your baby?

DIVINITY:  Yeah, he's my baby's dad. He's named after his dad.

TAYLOR:  How old are you?

DIVINITY:  What is this? 20 questions?

TAYLOR:  I'm sorry, I'm just kinda confused. You look very young to have a baby and to be getting married.

DIVINITY:  I'm 17. And we're gonna get married next year, after I'm 18.

TAYLOR:  Oh, okay.

DIVINITY:  What about you?

TAYLOR:  What about me?

DIVINITY:  Are you single?

TAYLOR:  I am now. I just got out of a bad relationship last week.

DIVINITY:  I'm sorry.

TAYLOR:  It's okay.

DIVINITY:  What was her name?

TAYLOR:  Debby.

-I was really hoping that wasn't the same person-

DIVINITY:  Debby who?

TAYLOR:  Debby Ryan...

-My face went blank-

TAYLOR:  What? Do you know her or something?

DIVINITY:  Yes. Me and her don't really get along.

-His eyes widened when I said that-

TAYLOR:  So you're the girl?

DIVINITY:  What are you talking about?

TAYLOR:  She would always talk about this girl named Divinity and how she was planning....

DIVINITY:  Planning to what?

TAYLOR:  Planning to kill...

-My eyes widened. I was speechless. I had to get to Daviid-

DIVINITY:  Did she ever say when?

TAYLOR:  No. I always thought she was kidding. Then she began obsessing with it and started ignoring me. That's why I broke up with her...

-We just stared at each other-

TAYLOR:  This is so crazy...

-I remembered I was gonna be home all alone for a few hours-

DIVINITY:  Look, I know I barely know you, but do you think you could stay with me?


DIVINITY:  I'm gonna be home for a few hours by myself and I don't wanna be alone.

TAYLOR:  Sure. Just for today?

DIVINITY:  Umm....

TAYLOR:  You know what? I think I'll come stay with you as long as you need.

-I felt relieved. I know it's wierd letting a stranger in my house, but he knows more about Debby than I do and I think he could tall me more about what Debby is planning to do-

TAYLOR:  So would you like me to pick you up everyday at the bus stop?

DIVINITY:  Actually, if you wouldn't mind, could you pick me up at that school for the people with kids?

TAYLOR:  I know that place. Sure. I'm Taylor Lautner, by the way.

DIVINITY:  Divinity Sanchez...

-I think I just made a new friend. How wierd is it that some randow guy offers me a ride and he happens to be linked to the girl that's trying to kill me? Was this a quinsidence? Or a set-up?-

End of episode 5. Please comment in my Updates blog. Thanks!!

Love Game-Season 2- Episode 6

*We showed up to my house. I hate giving directions. I'm suprised we made it. I suck at giving directions. Thank God I actually paid attention to the road when Daviid took me to the new school. Once he saw the house, his eyes opened wide.*

TAYLOR:  Wow...


TAYLOR:  Your house is amazing! How could you afford it?

DIVINITY:  Daviid, my fiance's parents as well as mine pay for it. That is until Daviid and I both get jobs. He doesn't know that I wanna start paying for it, but I feel like it's just something I have to do. Like I have to take responsibility, you know?

TAYLOR:  Yeah, I know what you mean.

DIVINITY:  Are you sure this is okay? I mean, you coming here. I don't wanna take you away from any plans you had...

TAYLOR:  I know I barely know you, but I feel that your safety is the most important thing to me right now.

DIVINITY:  Thank you.

TAYLOR:  You welcome...

-As we still sat in the car, we just stared into each other's eyes. He had beautiful eyes just like Daviid does. If I wasn't already with Daviid, I would try and go after this hottie. I couldn't look away. I felt mesmirized by the look he was giving me. I tried my hardest to look away-

DIVINITY: wanna go inside?

TAYLOR:  Sure...

-I finally found the strength to close my eyes and turn my head. I opened the door and got out. I started walking towards the house. I turned my head around to see if he was following. He was. He was literally right behind me. I turned my head back around. I unlocked the door and we walked inside. His eyes widened again and his mouth dropped open.-

TAYLOR:  And I thought the outside was gorgeous.

DIVINITY:  You are too sweet, you know that?

TAYLOR:  -whispers- Actually you're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen...

DIVINITY:  What was that?

TAYLOR:  Oh nothing. Nothing. So, uhh, what do we do now?

DIVINITY:  I dunno. Let's talk. Get to know each other. And you can also tell me what you know about Debby.

TAYLOR:  Okay, cool.

-I headed to the kitchen and got some strawberries and grapes in a bowl. Then I headed upstairs and hoped he'd follow. I opened the balcony door. We sat at the table and started to talk.-

DIVINITY:  So how old are you?

TAYLOR:  I'm 17.

DIVINITY:  Are you still in school?

TAYLOR:  I was home schooled and I graduated early.

DIVINITY:  Oh my gosh, you are so lucky! I wish I could graduate early.

TAYLOR:  I wish I didn't and I wish I wasn't home schooled.

DIVINITY:  Really? Why?

-I took a bite of a strawberry-

TAYLOR:  Because I don't have many friends. I missed everything that a normal teen goes through. Like senior prom. I would've loved to go to my prom. And walking the stage in a cap and gown and getting my diploma. I missed all of it.

DIVINITY:  That's terrible.

TAYLOR:  Yeah. You're the lucky one. You get to go to a normal school and have normal friends and a normal graduation. And also, you get to live in a place like this.

DIVINITY:  Where do you live?

TAYLOR:  It's kinda embarassing to talk about.

DIVINITY:  You don't have to tell me...

TAYLOR:  No, no. I want to.

-He took a bite of a strawberry-

TAYLOR:  I live in a one room apartment with my mom and 3 brothers. Well 4, including me. And, umm...

-He started to tear up and his voice started to crack. I held on to his hand-

TAYLOR:  We're about to be kicked out. I've been trying to stay strong for my family, since I'm the oldest sibling, you know? I don't wanna see my family living out on the streets.

-A tear ran down his face. I got up and went around the table and hugged him tight. He started to cry in my shoulder. Then he pulled away and wiped his face-

TAYLOR:  I'm so sorry.

DIVINITY:  Don't be. It's not good to hold in your feelings like that. I'm glad you're letting them out. You shouldn't have to keep them bottled in.

TAYLOR:  Thanks...

DIVINITY:  Okay. I think that's enough talking for today. Let's go watch a movie.

TAYLOR:  Kay...

-We walked downstairs and into the living room. We picked out the movie Titanic. I put it on and went and sat on the couch. Then he came and sat down next to me. He actually sat really close to me, but for some reason, I couldn't tell him to move over. I looked at my baby, who was asleep on the floor, and I thought about Daviid. What would he think of this?-

End of episode 6. Please comment in my Updates blogs. Thanks!

Love Game-Season 2-Episode 7

-I couldn't take it anymore. If we were to stay in this position, we're probably gonna end up doing "stuff."-

DIVINITY:  Hey, I'm gonna go get some popcorn.


-He scooted over and let me up. After I started walking away, I turned around and saw him move into my spot by the arm of the couch. He was so cute. Knowing that he's not shy to cry in front of me shows that he is really sensitive, and just taking a look at his biceps gave me chills. They're bigger than Daviid's. Oh my gosh, Daviid! Checking someone else out isn't cheating, right? It's just day dreaming about some eye-candy. I mean seriously, is this boy not sexy? Shit! Divinity! Stop it! You love Daviid! I turned my head back around and walked towards the kitchen. After I got the popcorn, I went back and sat next to Taylor, but this time not so close.-

TAYLOR:  May I have some?

-Without saying a word or turning my head, I handed him the popcorn roughly. Some popcorn spilled on him-



TAYLOR:  What's wrong with you? Are you okay?

DIVINITY:  Nothing's wrong with me.

TAYLOR:  Then why'd you practically poor the popcorn on me?

DIVINITY:  It was an accident.

TAYLOR:  Why don't you look at me when you talk?

-I was afraid to look at him. I was afraid that if I looked at him, my lips would attack his like crazy-

DIVINITY:  I'm just...ugh....really interested in the movie. That's all.

TAYLOR:   I guess I'll be going then...

-He went to stand up. I stopped him by holding on to his shoulder. I turned my head and looked at him. He was staring at me speechless. Those beautiful eyes were locked on me. The perfect shape of his lips were calling me. I tried to speak, but nothing could come out. I started stuttering. I had to get it out. I scooted closer to him. Close enough to where our legs were toughing-

DIVINITY:  I-I-I'm sorry.

-I dropped my hand and put in on my leg. Then he put his hand on top of mine and hled on to it-

TAYLOR:  It's okay...

-I noticed that there was still popcorn on his legs. There was even more between his legs-

DIVINITY:  C'mon let's clean this up.


-Without realizing it, I stuck my hand between his legs right under his crotch. His jeans were kinda tight, so I felt what he was packing in. He slightly jumped. I then pulled my hand away quickly-

TAYLOR:  Whoa!

DIVINITY:  Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!! I-I didn't even think!

TAYLOR:  Calm down, calm down.  It's okay.

DIVINITY:  Then why do I feel like I'm gonna faint?

TAYLOR:  Was it that big?

DIVINITY:  Yeah....

-I realized what I just said-

DIVINITY:  NO! No, no. It's ugh...I-I...

-He chuckled-

TAYLOR:  So it's small?

DIVINITY:  No! No, it's not like that! It's huge, but....

-His eyes opened wide. He had the biggest smile on his face-

DIVINITY:  No! That's not what.....I'm gonna shut up now...

-He bursted out laughing-

DIVINITY:  You should go. I think I've been humiliated enough today...

TAYLOR:  No, no. I'm sorry. I'll stop now...

-I felt like crying. I felt so humiliated-

TAYLOR:  Besides, it was kinda nice...

-I looked at him and chuckled. I playfully pushed him-

DIVINITY:  Shut up. You didn't like it.

TAYLOR:  Oh no?


-I opened his legs and looked down. I followed his eyes down and saw his thing showing perfectly through his pants. I almost went into shock. Even his thing was bigger than Daviid's. I tried to keep my hands away from that area. My eyes, on the other hand, couldn't leave that area. Then he closed his legs and looked up at me-

TAYLOR:  So....

DIVINITY:  It's's....

-Out of nowhere, he pressed his lips against mine. For some reason, I couldn't pull away. He slowly slipped his tongue inside my mouth. I placed my hand on the back of his head deepened the kiss. Then I pulled away to catch a breath-

TAYLOR:  What is it?

DIVINITY:  I'm engaged, Taylor.

TAYLOR:  Oh yeah. Sorry...

-He moved back to the arm of the couch-

TAYLOR:  So...


TAYLOR:  What should we do now?

DIVINITY:  I don't even know.

TAYLOR:  Well, I gotta go to the bathroom. My boner is bothering me.

-I chuckled. He stood up-

TAYLOR:  Where's the bathroom?

DIVINITY:  That way. Down the hall, first door on the left.

TAYLOR:  Kay. Be right back...

-He walked away. When he was gone, I let out a deep breath. Did I just cheat on Daviid. Could I keep this from him? I never kept a secret from him before. I didn't know what to do...-

End of episode 7. Please comment in my Updates blogs. Thanks!

Love Game-Season 2-Episode 8

*I looked at the time and I saw that school let out like 15 minutes ago. Daviid doesn't know that I'm already home. I had to call him. I took out my cell phone*

DAVIID:  Hello?

DIVINITY:  Babe, don't go to the school. I'm at home.

DAVIID:  Really? How'd you get home?

DIVINITY:  A friend...

DAVIID:  Kay, I'm on my way home.

DIVINITY:  Kay. See ya in a bit.

-Taylor walked in as I hung up the phone-

TAYLOR:  Who was that?

DIVINITY:  It was Daviid. I called him to tell him that I'm home and to not go to the school.

TAYLOR:  Oh, okay. I guess I better go then.

DIVINITY:  What? Why?

TAYLOR:  Daviid's on his way. After what just happened, I think I'd rather leave.

-He headed for the door. I went after him .-

DIVINITY:  Wait...

-I grabbed his arm. He turned around and looked at me.-

TAYLOR:  Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow. That is, if you want me to.


-His eyes got wide-

DIVINITY:  I mean...umm....of course I want you to come back.

TAYLOR:  Okay then. I'll see you tomorrow.

-He leaned in to kiss my cheek, but I started to panic, so I turned my head a little and he kissed my lips. He stayed there for a few seconds, then moved away.-

TAYLOR:  Bye...

DIVINITY:  Bye....

-He walked out the door. I laid on the couch. I felt so guilty. How could I have done this to Daviid? Would I be able to keep this a secret? About 10 minutes passed. Daviid walked through the door-

DAVIID:  Divinity?

-I got up and walked to the door-

DIVINITY:  I'm right here.

DAVIID:  Hey babe...

-He kissed me-

DAVIID:  How'd was your day?

DIVINITY:  It was, uhh, good.

DAVIID:  Where's the baby?

DIVINITY:  He's in the living room asleep.

DAVIID:  Oh, okay. Well, I'm gonna go take a shower. You wanna join me?

DIVINITY:  I would love to, but I'm really tired. I think I'm gonna go take a nap.

DAVIID:  Okay babe. I'll join you when I get out.


-I went and got the baby and headed up to my room. I laid him in his crib. Then I laid down on the bed. Daviid walked out of the bathroom naked-

DIVINITY:  What are you doing?

DAVIID:  I forgot my towel.

-He grabbed a towel from the closet and walked back in the bathroom. About 13 minutes passed. Daviid walked out of the bathroom in a plain white shirt and boxers. He laid down next to me and held me in his arms. He softly kissed my neck several times. Then I fell asleep.

End of episode 8. Please comment in my Updates blog. Thanks!!

Love Game-Season 2-Episode 9

A few days past. Taylor came over everyday as usual. Yesterday, I told Daviid about Taylor. No! Not about the cheating! Silly! I just told him that he has been coming over to protect me and the baby. But now, Daviid wants to meet him. Great. Just great. Daviid just pulled into the driveway and Taylor is just coming out of the bathroom.

DIVINITY:  He's here.

TAYLOR:  Kay...

*Taylor's POV*

I don't wanna meet this asshole! I deserve to be with Divinity! Not him! She's lucky I love her, otherwise, I wouldn't even meet him. We haven't kissed since the first day I was here. I'm craving the taste of her lips, the feeling of her hugs, the smell of her perfume, the feeling I get in my stomach everytime I look her in the eyes. I hope one day, she'll notice me for more than a friend.

*End of POV*

-Daviid walked through the door. I took a deep breath, and started walking towards the door. I turned back to see if Taylor was following me. He was.-

DAVIID:  Hey babe!

-He took me in his arms and kissed me strongly, like he hasn't seen me in years. When we pulled away, he looked up and saw Taylor.-

DAVIID:  You must be Taylor...

-They shook hands-

TAYLOR:  Yes. And you're Daviid?

DAVIID:  Yes. I understand you've been watching over my family.

TAYLOR:  Yes. I have a connection with Debby and I'm just here to protect them while you're gone.

DAVIID:  I thank you.

TAYLOR:  It's my pleasure.

-Then I remembered that we were out of dipers. And I fed the baby about 45 minutes ago.-

DIVINITY:  Oh my gosh! I totally forgot!

DAVIID:  What?

DIVINITY:  The baby's out of dipers. I'm gonna go buy some real quick.

DAVIID:  You want me to go?

DIVINITY:  No, I'll go. You just got home. I'll be back in a while.

-I gpicked up and baby and grabbed the keys from Daviid's hands then grabbed my purse. I kissed Daviid's cheek and then I left.-

TAYLOR:  Well, I better get going.

DAVIID:  Nah, please stay. Have a drink with me...

TAYLOR:  Umm...okay.

*Taylor's POV*

-Why does he want me to go have a drink with him? I guess he's an alright guy. He's not bad looking and the baby looks like him. He was alright...I guess. We got to the kitchen-

DAVIID:  What would you like?

TAYLOR:  Water's fine.


-He got me some ice water then got some for himself-

DAVIID:  Here you go.

TAYLOR:  Thanks.

DAVIID:  C'mon, let's have a seat.

-He led me to the living room and we sat on the couch-

DAVIID:  So, how did you actually meet Divinity?

TAYLOR:  Well, I saw her sitting outside in the heat with your baby, so I offered her a ride.

DAVIID:  How'd you find out she was connected to Debby?

-I continued to tell him the story. Time passed. He was so funny. He kept making jokes about random stuff, but it was so funny. He was a great guy-

DAVIID:  I just wanna to let you know that you can come over whenever you want.

TAYLOR:  Thanks.

-I took another drink. I was now out of water.-

TAYLOR:  I'm out. I'll be right back.

-I got up and walked to the kitchen so I could put my cup on the counter. I set it down. Then I turned around and Daviid was right behind me. Before I could even react, our lips crashed together. After about 3 seconds, he pulled away in shock-

DAVIID:  Dude, why'd you just kiss me?

TAYLOR:  I didn't kiss you. You kissed me.

DAVIID:  I was just following you so I could put my cup down, then suddenly you kiss me.

TAYLOR:  I did not kiss you. You bumped into me!

DAVIID:  No, you bumped into me!

TAYLOR:  No I didn't.

DAVIID:  Yes you did!

-We got in each other's faces-

DAVIID:  Yes you did!

TAYLOR:  No I didn't!

-We stared at each other for a few seconds in anger. I started to breathe heavily. I wasn't angry anymore. I don't know what I was feeling. Then suddenly, we put our lips together again. This time neither one of us pulled away. He put his hand on the back of my head and deepened the kiss. I don't know why, but I couldn't pull away. What was going on?-

Daviid's POV*

-I couldn't believe what was going on. One second, I was so angry at him. Then we were kissing. Poor Divinity. How am I gonna be able to explain this to her? I feel so guilty...-

End of episode 9. Please comment in my Updates blogs. Thank you so much!!

Love Game-Season 2-Episode 10

*Daviid's POV*

I can't take this anymore. It has to stop. I'm in love with Divinity. I'm not gay. I'm not gay! But why can't I stop? What is causing me to do this? Was it his charm? His eyes? His really huge muscles? Damn it Daviid! Shut up! You don't like this! Just slowly pull away and let him know that your not into this...

*End of Daviid's POV*

*Taylor's POV*

What the hell am I doing? I'm not gay, am I? I mean, I like girls. Hell, I love em'. But why I am kissing the love of my life's fiance? This isn't right? But damn, this boy can kiss. No! No! Shut up! Don't think like that! Just let him doen easy...

-I pulled away slowly-

TAYLOR:  Daviid...I-I..I'm not really into this...

DAVIID:  Me neither. I'm engaged and I have a kid. I shouldn't be doing this.

TAYLOR:  What should we do?

DAVIID:  I don't know. I've never made out with a guy before.

TAYLOR:  Me neither. I guess it was okay for the first and last time.

DAVIID:  Okay? Are you saying I'm a bad kisser?

TAYLOR:  I didn't say that.

DAVIID:  No, but you emplied it. It's okay. No harm done. Cause you not the best kisser either...

TAYLOR:  Excuse me?

DAVIID:  What?

TAYLOR:  I am so a good kisser.

DAVIID:  No you're not.

TAYLOR:  Am too...

DAVIID:  Are not...

-We got in each other's faces again. We just stared at each other again-

TAYLOR:  Deja vu, huh?

DAVIID:  You know what comes next right?

TAYLOR:  Yeah...

DAVIID:  Should we do this?

TAYLOR:  I don't know. I'm so confused right now...

DAVIID:  That makes two of us...

-I looked down at my hand as it lifted and landed on his forearm. I watched as my hand softly ran softly up and down his arm. Then I slowly moved down to his hand and grabbed it tight. I looked up into his eyes. His really beautiful eyes. No matter how much I don't want to admit it, I think I really liked him. I had a huge crush on Daviid. How is this possible? As we were about to press our lips together, we heard the front door slam. At that second, we broke apart. We just stared at each other. Breathing heavily and hearts racing. Then Daviid shook his head and headed for the door. I followed. When I saw Divinity at the door, she was the most beautiful thing. I guess my feelings for girls haven't changed. Thank God. But I do know that I'm not the same guy I was an hour ago. I was now falling for two people. A boy and a girl who are in love with each other. I didn't wanna be a home-wrecker. This had to stop...-

*End of Taylor's POV*

*Divinity's POV*

DAVIID:  Hey babe...

DIVINITY:  Hey hun...

-He gave me a huge hug. When he let go, he was very shakey and sweaty. Like he was very nervous.-

DIVINITY:  Are you okay?

DAVIID:  Y-Yeah. W-W-What makes you say t-that?

-He gulped-

DIVINITY:  You're shaking and sweating and stuttering.

-His eyes widened-

DIVINITY:  Daviid, what's going on?

DAVIID:  N-Nothing...I-I'm fine.

DIVINITY:  Are you sure?

DAVIID:  Yeah, I'm sure...

-I looked over his shoulder and saw Taylor-

DIVINITY:  Taylor? You're still here?

-I noticed he look just as nervous and sweaty and Daviid-

TAYLOR:  Y-Yeah. I was just leaving. I-It's gonna be dark soon.

DIVINITY:  Oh, okay. Well, thanks for staying again.

-I hugged him. He hugged back tightly-

TAYLOR:  No problem..

-He headed for the door, but then he stopped in fron of Daviid. They hesitated for a few seconds, but then they hugged tightly-

TAYLOR:  I'll see ya'll tomorrow, kay...


-Then he left-

DIVINITY:  Well, I'm gonna go change Daviid.

-I picked up the baby and took him to our room. Daviid went to the window and watched as Taylor left. What really happened while I was gone?-

End of episode 10. Please comment in my Updates blog. And also, I'm gonna make a page two for the next few episodes since this one is getting pretty long. Thanks again!!