Bump In The Night


Bump In The Night-Chapter 1

              The storm carried on. Thunder rolled and the night sky was lit up by the crashing of multiple lightning strikes. I sat soaked in the mud while the rain dripped off my nose and chin. To my left, my sister Sidney layed on her back with her hands covering her ears. To my right, my other sister Giselle stood with both hands on her hips. In front of us all, my last sister Krystal paced back and fowarth ranting about how badly she craved blood. We all needed blood. It has been days since we last fed. We have been on our own for about a week now since we escaped from the Vampire Queen's castle. We're starting to get sick.
              "You guys, I can't take it anymore! I need to feed on someone! I'm going crazy here!" Krystal complained.
              "We know Kris. We all are," Giselle said in a grumpy voice. Even though Krystal was right about everything she was ranting about, her voice was getting on all of our nerves.
              "Then why aren't we doing anything about it? I mean damn, we've been hiding in these woods for days from soldiers whom aren't even chasing us anymore!" Krystal continued.
              "I'm trying my best here Kris. Please just shut up," Giselle said. Giselle was the oldest out of us and feels it's her responsibility to keep us fed and out of harms way.
              "You call this your best? We're all going to die of hunger and it's gonna be all on you!" Krystal was the youngest out of all of us, so it's understandable that she needs blood more than we do, but this attitude was uncalled for. And it seemed Giselle agrees because after that last comment, her fangs came out and she hissed at Krystal. It caught Krystal by suprise, and she slowly took a step back and shut up.
              "I've had enough of your mouth! Go feed on a deer or something!" Giselle yelled.
              "Eww!" Krystal made a disgusted face.
              "Then starve!" Now Krystal's fangs came out and she hissed at Giselle. They took a step at each other, but Sidney and I were between them instantaneously.
              "Ok that's enough! I've had it with the two of you! Put your fangs away and both of you just shut the hell up! Arguing and fighting won't help anything!" I yelled. A few seconds passed, then Giselle slowly pulled her fangs back in. Then Krystal did the same.
              "Thank you!" Sidney said with a sigh.
              "Giselle, as much as I hate to agree, Krystal is right. We're going to end up starving to death if we don't feed on someone," I said.
              "You don't think I know that?" She replied in an angry tone.
              "I know you do! What I don't understand is why we're still in hiding. We haven't seen a soldier in like five days. I think it's safe to go now." I seemed to be getting through to her. She looked down and took a deep breath. After about thirty seconds, she looked back up at me and spoke.
              "Ok, fine. Let's do it your way. What do you think we should do, Karlie?" She asked with attitude.
              "I think we should go into town, get cleaned up, and find some people to feed on."
              "And then what? We don't have anywhere to live."
              "We can get an appartment or something. Maybe we can even go to school. The younger kids have better blood then most adults."
              "True, true," Sidney said. Giselle didn't object. No one did.
              "Then it's settled. We can go find an appartment right now, get showered up, then get enrolled into a nearby school." I said.
              "Fine," Giselle said. She was used to being in control. She knew she was at a dead end and that she needed our help, she just didn't want to admit it. Giselle sped off at the speed of light, so we followed her. We could've ran faster, but the muddy ground slowed us down.
              I loved running, except for when it's raining like it is now. Usually the wind blows my hair back and it feels like I'm floating. But when it rains, I get slapped in the face by the millions of rain drops. We rushed past tons and tons of multi-sized trees. Even at our supernatural speed, it took us about fifteen minutes to make it to the nearest lone, empty highway. We then ran down the highway until we made it to the nearest town.